Saturday, September 3, 2011

Blogging Again..I Hope..

4 years??!!?? can you imagine that? It's been almost 4 years since I updated this blog and I think now is the perfect time to revive it :)

Now that I'm a wife I will be spending more time in the kitchen so this blog is perfect to chronicle, well not every dish though, my challenges in the kitchen. I love cooking and I love to learn new recipes. I've had my first carbonara 2 years ago, which I was not able to document :(

For now I would like to share with you this yummy dish from Davao (I forgot the name of the resto). It is grilled bangus (milk fish) topped with a chili "something" sauce..I forgot again what that yellow orange sauce was. It was so good, too good I can't describe how it really tastes..kind of gata or pinakbet or kare-kare taste..

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